Who we are

YaYa Yarn shop was opened as a sideline business to my hairsalon, in the midst of Covid lockdown in June 2020.

Inspiration for the name came from the word 'Ya-Ya's': "A group of women whose hearts and souls are joined together by laughter and tears shared through the glorious journey of life" ... and of course, we can never have enough yarn!

A place to embrace some calm, add a dash of color, indulge in creativity, ease your troubles, have a chat and escape from the chaos of life by stepping into the comfort of creating & making.

browse our yarn
chunk, super, chunky, double knit, hand-dyed, aran
get in touch with us


Social Stitches

Yaya yarn social stitches


Beginners Crochet Workshops available

Tuesdays @ 13:00 to 16:00 & mid-month Saturdays (dates announced before the time).
COST: R150 – includes pattern, tutoring & refreshments. R50 to join socially.
Contact Charlene direct on 082 553 1351 for more info.
Yaya yarn beginners workshop

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